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Multiply Kids (Birth-5th)

We know that the kids are not just the church of tomorrow they are the church of today. Our goal in Multiply Kids is that kids meet and learn about Jesus in a way that is relevant to them.  


Our Multiply Kids Team provides a safe atmosphere for our kids to have fun as they dive into God's Word. Each week's lesson is filled with scriptures, Bible stories, crafts, activities, and so much more.

Multiply Youth

When a student enters their teenage years they are beginning to make their faith their own.  At Multiply Youth Ministries, it is our desire to help them in this important journey. 


At Multiply Youth we encourage each student to grow in their relationship with Jesus so that they can reach their friends and school for Christ. 


In addition to the below meeting times, our students also have various events throughout the year. 


Multiply Youth Meetings:

2nd & 4th Sundays | 6:00pm | at the church

5th Sundays | 6:00pm | at the church

Community Groups 

Life is better in community. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17 that iron sharpens Iron.  We grow better when we learn and grow together.  


Community Groups are a time for us to dig deeper into God's Word. During Community groups, our adults meet in various homes around the city to have a dedicated time to study God's Word together and learn how to apply it to our lives.

Women's Ministry

The ladies of Multiply love to spend time together.  You can often find our ladies enjoying fellowship, fun, and food at a ladies' brunch. 


In addition to their brunches, our ladies gather for bible studies, fun outings, and conferences.  

Outreach Opportunities 

At Multiply, we love SHOWING and SHARING God's love with the community around us.  We look for regular opportunities to be a part of what is happening in our community.  


Multiply's outreaches aim to provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for families in our community to come together and create lasting memories.


If you are looking for a way to get involved and use your gifts and talents to help others, be sure to get involved in one of our many outreach opportunities. 

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Sundays 10:00am

6519 Tussing Rd

Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

Mailing Address:
PO Box 622

Reynoldsburg, OH 43068



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